
生活提高 is a mobile app designed to help State Farm® life insurance customers move more and feel better.脚注 1

从苹果商店下载生活提高应用程序 在谷歌玩上获得生活提高应用程序

文本 连接 to 78836 获取下载应用程序的链接. 消息和数据速率可能适用.


你是否过着积极的生活方式, 或者需要额外的激励来养成积极的习惯, 州立农场希望通过这个应用程序提供奖励来帮助你保持动力.


  • 给你最喜欢的品牌的礼品卡
  • 给你所在社区的组织做慈善捐赠
  • 受欢迎商店的折扣、津贴和优惠


  • 健身挑战和活动跟踪
  • 金融工具及课程
  • 心理健康小贴士
  • 临终 & 遗产规划工具
  • pp王者电子官网产品信息
  • 安全教育


We’ve joined with Lantern and FreeWill to bring you even more advantages from downloading the 生活提高 app.脚注 1


  • 积极规划你的临终愿望
  • 处理死亡的指导
  • 数码pp王者电子官网箱,存放重要文件、说明书及相片
  • 获得一个完整的,升级的生命终止计划
  • 1对1损失后咨询脚注 *

返回参考文献 * 每小时150美元的礼宾服务不在州立农场pp王者电子官网范围内.

  • 在线创建遗嘱、授权书和预先医疗指导
  • 帮助保存你的遗产,传承你的财产
  • 100%免费
  • 慈善捐赠变得容易
  • 具有法律约束力
  • 20分钟内完成



生活提高 is a program that rewards you for participating in various activities that better help us understand your wellness habits and lifestyle.

当你加入生命提升社区, you can earn points by setting goals and making steady progress and earn medals for activities in the app. You can then redeem those points/medals for gift cards to a variety of popular merchants.

Make earning even easier by connecting your activity and wellness information from any fitness tracker or wearable device to the 生活提高 app.

通过在生活增强应用程序中报告你的健身和生活方式活动, 你可以访问健康和财务信息, 包括小贴士和教育资源来帮助你建立健康的习惯. 互动和完成民意调查问题, 调查, and 小测验 in the 生活提高 app provides additional opportunities to earn points/medals.

如果你有一份合格的人寿pp王者电子官网, you can redeem those points/medals for gift cards to a variety of popular merchants.

生活提高 is an exciting benefit for State Farm customers who have purchased a new life insurance policy since January 1, 2022.

任何年满18岁的人都可以加入生活提高, 某些应用程序功能, 包括奖励, 可能无法使用,除非你拥有符合条件的州立农场人寿pp王者电子官网政策.

At this time, policyholders in Florida and New York are not eligible for the full program. Please note that some policyholders may experience a delay before a new policy is eligible for rewards.

关于资格的问题? pg电子官方网页版

在苹果下载生活增强版 应用程序商店 或在 谷歌玩.

生活提高 users earn points for reporting their fitness and lifestyle activities. 每个星期, 你将有新的机会通过参与挑战来获得积分, 实现你的目标,回答民意调查, 小测验, 和调查. Connecting your activity tracker will allow you to earn additional points for meeting daily fitness goals.

而任何用户都可以赚取积分, 只有拥有符合条件的人寿pp王者电子官网保单的用户才能兑换奖励. 如果您在加入life Enhanced后购买了符合条件的人寿pp王者电子官网, 你将有资格获得奖励. At this time, policyholders in Florida and New York are not eligible for the full program. Please note that some policyholders may experience a delay before a new policy is eligible for rewards.

关于资格的问题? pg电子官方网页版

Eligible policyholders who earn points/medals may redeem for gift cards to a variety of popular merchants, 像亚马逊, 目标, Hulu, 沃尔玛, 和全食超市. 积分不能转让给其他终身增值会员.

是的,你可以. 生活提升是一个自愿项目,你可以随时离开.

No. Your decision to participate in this offer and the information that you share will not affect your life insurance policy, 您可能拥有的任何其他州立农场pp王者电子官网, 或者你的保费. 也, 这个项目不是pp王者电子官网产品, 而且不为您提供任何额外的pp王者电子官网.

No. 生活提高可以连接到内置的智能手机应用程序, 比如Apple Health Kit和Samsung Health, 或大多数第三方应用程序和硬件设备(如Fitbit), Garmin, 欧姆龙, 极地, 和更多).

So, 如果你使用的是iOS或Android设备, 你可以通过设备自带的健康应用与内置传感器同步. Or, if you own a fitness tracker, you can sync its data through the tracker's app. 更好的是,你可以连接多个设备.

A full list of supported devices and data fields can be found in the 生活提高 app. 这些数据可以包括:步骤, 心率, 地板, 睡眠分析, 骑自行车的距离, 积极的能量, 以及由兼容的应用程序记录的锻炼情况.

生活提高可以连接到大多数消费者健身追踪iOS和Android应用程序, 包括FitBit, Garmin, 颚骨, 在甲, Strava, 谷歌健身和苹果健康.

如果您拥有受支持的设备, 你只需安装生活提高应用程序并登录到你现有的帐户. 您选择将被传递到生活提高应用程序的数据, 并且可以随时断开任何设备或程序.

如果您对支持的设备有疑问,请与我们联系: lifeenhancedisakichi.net/contact

State Farm可能会与第三方共享您的数据. 您的所有数据均受州立农业pp王者电子官网公司隐私政策的约束. 您的州立农场代理将无法访问您的生活提高数据. For more information about how State Farm handles your information, please refer to the State Farm 隐私政策.

自由意志是美国最大的.S. 数字化遗产规划平台. 超过800,000名美国人使用fast创建了重要的临终文件, 一步一步的文档创建器.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 常见问题|自由意志

我真的需要遗嘱吗? 无论财富多少,每个人都应该立一份遗嘱. Having a plan in place ensures that your wishes are known and may save your loved ones the stress and cost of intestate 遗嘱认证 proceedings.

自由意志的遗嘱在法律上有效吗? 是的. 在大多数州, 只要客户打印出他们的遗嘱并在两名证人面前签字, 这是一份有效的法律文书.

客户可以在 证人和公证人-自由意志帮助中心

我如何注册? Eligible users of 生活提高 are invited to complete their estate planning documents by visiting the "My Planning" tab within the 生活提高 app. Once directed to the FreeWill website, you will set up a new, secure FreeWill account. 如果你还没有加入生活提高, review the eligibility criteria and download the app from the 生活提高 page you’re already on.

在线遗嘱适用于所有人吗? 如果你有一个特别大或复杂的遗产, 你可能想让律师起草你的遗嘱. 自由意志仍有帮助! 在你立下遗嘱的最后阶段, we’ll also provide a set of documented wishes to bring to an attorney that may speed up the process.

FreeWill要花多少钱? 它是完全免费的创建和打印您的遗产规划文件. FreeWill also allows access to edit and reprint any documents as many times as you need.

自由意志安全吗?? FreeWill是由安全专家打造的. 您的数据在静态和传输中都是加密的.

欲知详情,请浏览 安全|自由意志

我的州立农场代理可以帮我做遗产计划吗? No. State Farm及其代理人都不提供税务或法律建议. 我们鼓励有复杂需求的客户寻求法律顾问.

Lantern provides comprehensive end-of-life planning and after loss support in one place. 无论你是为自己还是为别人做计划, 你会找到所有你需要的工具来保持内心的平静.

什么是临终计划? 生命周期终止计划编制了查找重要文件的说明, data, 以及关于医疗保健和你的纪念活动的决定. It’s designed to give you peace of mind that you’re being honored appropriately and to make the process easier for those caring for you before and after goodbye.

我真的需要吗? Everyone, regardless of assets and dependents can benefit from creating an end-of-life plan. 还有临终计划, 你会对发生的事情有更好的控制, and you’ll know you’re leaving loved ones with the tools and information they need to fulfill your wishes.

我如何注册? Eligible users of 生活提高 are invited to complete one free Lantern end-of-life plan, which will need to be accessed through the "My Planning" tab within the 生活提高 app. Once directed to the Lantern website, you will set up a new, secure Lantern account. 如果你还没有加入生活提高, review the eligibility criteria and download the app from the 生活提高 page you’re on.

灯笼安全吗?? 提灯对你的安全非常重视. 灯笼保护您的所有信息与行业领先的技术.

欲知详情,请浏览 安全|生命终结规划|灯笼

灯笼花多少钱? 灯笼的基本计划是免费的,无论是生命终止计划还是在损失之后. 州立医疗pp王者电子官网公司为你提供了一个免费的,升级的临终计划.

什么是《pp王者电子官网》? 灯笼指南为你安排葬礼提供1:1的支持, 遗嘱认证, 账户关闭, 移动, 和更多的. 经过免费咨询,了解更多,并与灯笼指南相匹配, 注册用户的平均费用约为每小时150美元.

1 Benefit available for State Farm customers who have purchased a new life insurance policy since January 1, 2022. 任何年满18岁的人都可以加入生活提高, 某些应用程序功能, 包括奖励, may not be available unless you own an eligible State Farm life insurance policy. At this time, policyholders in Florida and New York are not eligible for the full program. Please note that some policyholders may experience a delay before a new policy is eligible for rewards.


生活增强参与取决于项目资格,并因州而异. 根据协议的条款和条件. 生活提高应用程序可用于Android和iOS. An iOS or Android mobile device may be required to use all 生活提高 program features. Customers must agree to authorize State Farm to collect health and wellness information data. 移动应用程序用户必须同意许可协议.

根据相关税法, State Farm may send to you and file with the Internal Revenue Service and/or other applicable tax authority a Form 1099-MISC (Miscellaneous Income) for the redemption of 生活提高 rewards as appropriate. You are solely responsible for any tax consequences arising from the redemption of 生活提高 rewards. 州立农场不提供税务或法律咨询. You may wish to discuss the potential tax consequences of your participation in the 生活提高 program with a tax or legal advisor.


State Farm人寿pp王者电子官网公司(未在MA, NY或WI获得许可)
State Farm人寿及意外pp王者电子官网公司(在纽约州及威州持牌)

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