
Help protect your florist business and assets with coverage options to help meet your needs.


Whatever occasions you provide flowers for – weddings, 情人节, 生日, 葬礼——某些风险必然会出现. Let 国营农场® help you build an pp王者电子官网 policy that protects your florist business and its assets while you focus on making it grow.
  • 你保持你的商店干净整洁. 但湿地板是随时可能发生的意外. A small puddle can quickly turn into a trip to the ER for an employee or customer.
  • Your refrigeration may be in tip-top shape, but it’s no match for a power outage. 新闻快讯,和鲜花不能混在一起.
  • Your arrangements are perfect, and the driver left in plenty of time for your customer’s event. Too bad that random tractor-trailer picked today to side-swipe your delivery van.


We’ll start with a package of pp王者电子官网 most 花店 want. Then we’ll help you customize them to fit your unique business. 结果? A policy with the pp王者电子官网 you want at an affordable price for you.
  • 财产pp王者电子官网 helps cover your shop, its contents, equipment, and inventory from a covered incident.
  • 责任pp王者电子官网 helps protect you from covered claims and lawsuits arising from property damage and bodily injury.
  • 季节性增加 is additional coverage for your business personal property during peak seasons.
  • 应收帐款覆盖率 helps if you can’t bill your customers because of damage to your accounts receivable records.
  • 腐败报道 helps if you lose your floral inventory because of mechanical breakdowns, 停电, 或制冷剂污染.
  • 设备故障pp王者电子官网 can help pay for covered equipment if it breaks down or is damaged by covered claims.
  • 员工不诚实pp王者电子官网 helps protect you from direct physical loss to business personal property because of employees’ dishonest acts.
  • 公用事业中断收入损失承保范围 helps protect you if you can’t operate because of an interruption in communications, 水, 天然气, 或者电气服务.


Some 花店 need additional coverage to deal with increased risk. 没问题,因为你的 州立农场代理 will work with you to understand and help meet your needs.


商业汽车 covers the cars, trucks, vans, and other vehicles used for business. If you have multiple vehicles, talk to a local agent about available options.


如果你的企业使用雇佣, 短期租赁或借用车辆, or if employees use their vehicles for your business, 你可以考虑一下 雇主的非自有及租用汽车 pp王者电子官网. Talk to a local agent about available coverage options in your state.


商业责任保护伞政策 (CLUP) gives you an added measure of protection when your covered liability losses exceed your policy 限制.


工人的补偿 helps protect your crew against work-related injuries or illness. 对工人补偿的要求因州而异.


Provides pp王者电子官网 that work together to help your business and you get back on track after a data breach occurs or if you, 企业主, 成为身份盗窃的受害者.

Rated “the best overall” pp王者电子官网 company for small business

我们不是吹牛的人(好吧,也许有一点),但是 Investopedia
recognized State Farm pp王者电子官网 as the top choice for small businesses 1 像你这样的. 原因如下:


我们的代理商也是企业主. They understand the unique needs of small business owners.



We offer an array of coverage options that can be combined into one policy for you.





This is only a general description of pp王者电子官网 of the available types of business pp王者电子官网 and is not a statement of contract. 承保范围详情, 限制, or services may not be available for all business and vary in some states. 所有险别均以本合同条款为准, 规定, 除外责任, and conditions in the policy itself and in any endorsements. Contact a 州立农场代理 for more information and a customized quote.

State Farm (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates) is not responsible for, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any 第三方网站s hyperlinked from this page. 州立农业pp王者电子官网公司无权改变, 更新, 或控制超链接上的内容, 第三方网站. Access to 第三方网站s is at the user's own risk, is being provided for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any of the products which may be referenced on such 第三方网站s.

Life Insurance and annuities are issued by State Farm Life Insurance Company. (未在MA获得许可, NY, and WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in New York and Wisconsin) Home Office, 布卢明顿, 伊利诺斯州.

  • 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司
  • 国家农场赔偿公司
  • 布卢明顿,
  • State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas
  • 理查森,TX
  • 州立农场火灾事故公司
  • 州立农场pp王者电子官网公司
  • 布卢明顿,
  • 州立农场火灾事故公司
  • 佛罗里达州温特黑文
  • 劳埃德州立农场
  • 理查森,TX
  • State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI)
  • State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI)
  • 布卢明顿,