

Choose your campground and pack for a comfortable experience with these camping safety tips.

不管是在帐篷里还是房车里, camping is a great way to get in touch with nature — sleeping under the stars, 在火上烤热狗,在树林里远足. Enjoy your time away, and help reduce your risk of injury with some camping tips.



无论你是 打包你的房车 或者帐篷,考虑在你的货物里放一个急救箱. 考虑 hydrocortisone cream and antihistamine for allergic reactions and rashes, 还有清洗和包扎伤口的用品. 红十字会提供了一份名单 急救要点 包括在你的工具箱里.



尽量选择有安全设施的露营地, 比如安全门, 周边击剑, 监控摄像头和夜间巡逻. Safer campsites are well lit and located near the center of the grounds. Be sure to arrive before nightfall so you'll have time to inspect your camping site, 打开行李,生一堆火. Avoid pitching tents close to water, under dead tree limbs or near insect nests and poisonous plants. Also look for broken glass, sharp rocks and other hazards that could cause injury. 考虑 a plastic tarp for an extra layer of protection between the ground and the tent — just make sure the tarp does not extend beyond the width of the tent so water does not pool if it rains.


如果你和你的房车露营, 许多较新的房车都有内置的安全系统, 就像你在车里找到的一样. 如果你的露营车没有这个功能, you could install motion lights at your campsite to deter potential lurkers and late-night critters. Place the lights at the back of the site, near entrances and on blind corners.


向其他营员介绍你自己. 花时间和他们在一起可以帮助你衡量他们的可信度. They could watch your things while you're gone and let you know if any unwanted guests wander onto your site.


Don't leave valuable items in an outside RV compartment or in your tent. 许多房车使用万能钥匙来打开这些存储区域. Instead, keep items secured inside a camper, trailer or 车辆 when you're away. If you do have an RV, pull the shades to keep the interior concealed. For an additional layer of security, consider a small safe and hide it somew在这里 inside.



Campfires are fun and may allow you to cook food and keep warm when temperatures drop. Using precaution when setting up and using a campfire will help keep your family and other campers safe. 以下是一些需要记住的建议:

  • 30英寸 Suggested length of a roasting stick to minimize getting too close to a campfire.
  • 15英尺 — Distance campfires should be from existing structures, trees and greenery and tents.
  • 挖一个坑 — Use a ring of rocks or a metal burn ring to designate a pit or clearing for the fire. 避免将原木直接放在草地或腐烂的树叶上.
  • 照看好炉火 — Build a fire that you can manage, and don’t leave them unattended. As a precaution, have a bucket of water or shovel nearby for extinguishing flames.
  • 注意 露营地可能会发布火灾禁令,所以要注意这些.
  • 注意你燃烧的东西 -只考虑燃烧的木头. 把瓶子或罐头扔进火里可能会产生有毒气体, 除了下一个露营者不想要的碎片.
  • 熄灭的篝火 -在你离开之前,一定要把营火完全熄灭.


将食物储存在密封容器和绝缘冷却器中, 把生的和熟的食物分开, 冷的食物冷藏. 如你所愿 在户外烹饪经常给你的工作站消毒 洗手. When heating foods, make sure they're a safe temperature before eating. 当你完成的时候, 将剩菜转移到密封处, animal-proof容器, and properly dispose of garbage in an approved refuse container well away from your campsite — one that's tightly secured against animals.


考虑把长裤塞进袜子里, 结实的鞋子, 一顶帽子, 你可以很容易地摘下太阳镜和衣服. 还包 防晒霜、地图、指南针、水、袋装零食和防虫喷雾. 带上你充满电的手机. 并非所有地点都有服务, 但如果你这么做了, your phone can be a valuable lifeline should you get lost or need assistance. 携带哨子也是一个好主意. Stay on designated hiking trails, and take frequent stops to rest and 再水化.


野生动物可能是不可预测的,并可能携带疾病. It's safer to bring your binoculars and watch them from a distance. 如果你在熊栖息的地方露营,那就复习一下 该怎么做 如果你遇到一个.


Pack extra blankets and layers of clothes rather than relying on a fuel-burning heater for warmth. Using heaters and other fuel-burning equipment in an enclosed space can cause 一氧化碳中毒.


If you take your dog along on your camping and hiking adventures, consider 一些技巧 为了保证你的狗的安全:

  • Confirm that the campgrounds are dog-friendly and review any leash rules they may have.
  • 考虑 开车旅行时约束你的狗.
  • Bring your dog’s information with you including vaccination records, 健康历史和联系信息.
  • Bring all of your dog’s essentials like food, water, bowls, leash and blankets or sleeping pads.
  • 一旦你到了露营地, keep your dog close to you at all times and do not leave them unsupervised.
  • 别忘了妥善处理狗的粪便.

Now that you have learned 一些技巧 to help you camp safely, you may want to read more about how to 游泳时注意安全 或者在使用 kayak.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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Whether taking a dip in a pool or natural body of water, adults and kids alike should play it safe.