People riding on ATVs with ATV safety gear.



全地形车(atv)是享受户外乐趣的好方法. But the operation of one requires proper instruction and preparation.

根据美国.S. Consumer Product 安全 Commission (CPSC) per their 2021年11月报告, ATVs caused 1,566 fatal incidents from 2016 through 2018. 翻车和与静止物体或其他车辆的碰撞是导致这些死亡的主要危险.

无论你是在农场做日常家务还是周末远足, take the proper steps to be safe when using an ATV.

Before you head out on your ATV

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  • Consider an ATV training course - ATVs can travel at more than 60 miles per hour and tip over easily. 练习基本的技巧和知道如何在骑车时保持安全是必不可少的. Typical course topics include: starting and stopping, 快速转, 山骑, emergency stopping and swerving and riding over obstacles. Some courses may also review information about protective gear, 地方性法规, places to ride and environmental concerns. 参观 offroad-ed for online training and possible certification may be a good start.
  • Wear protective gear that is season and/or weather appropriate - This includes a Department of Transportation-approved helmet, over-the-ankle靴子, 护目镜, 手套, 长裤和长袖衬衫或夹克可以帮助防止割伤和其他伤害. 有合适的装备是很重要的,这样你就可以在骑行的过程中保持足够的温暖或凉爽.
  • 不要搭载乘客 - Most ATVs are designed for one person at a time. 载有乘客会使全地形车难以控制,而且非常危险.
  • Maintain proper maintenance - A pre-ride清单 可以帮助您再次检查您的亚视是否正常运作和安全驾驶. 燃料和油, 轮胎, 刹车, 操舵, 链, radiator and battery are a few things you'll want to consider checking.
  • 留下骑行计划 -让其他人知道你将在哪里骑行以及你计划去多久-类似于划船的漂浮计划.
  • Check your insurance and verify it's up-to-date - 联系 your local 状态 Farm® agent if you have questions or need information about 为你的全地形车投保.

Pack ATV essentials for your ride

如果你要长途骑行或整天骑行,打包必需品. If your ATV doesn't have a lot of storage, carry a backpack. Some ideas on what to take are listed below.

  • Cell phone or walkie-talkie -随身携带充满电的手机,以备紧急情况,尤其是独自骑行时. 实用提示:把你的通讯设备放在防水袋里,以免被水损坏.
  • 绞车 - Whether riding alone or with others, 如果一辆全地形车被困在崎岖的地形中,绞车可以提供你所需的拉力.
  • 急救箱 任何运动造成的伤害都很常见,所以在手边准备一个急救箱是个好主意.
  • Tire repair kit and an inflation device - Don't let a flat tire strand you. 带上某种形式的膨胀设备(如果存储允许的话),不管是电动泵, manual pump or a CO2 inflator.
  • 水和零食 -脱水或任何 与热相关的疾病 在温暖的气候下,这可能是一个大问题,所以在你出发之前把水瓶装满吧. 越野骑行会消耗大量的精力和能量——健康的什锦干果和香蕉可能是帮助你补充能量的好选择.
  • Map -根据你骑车的地点,一张简单的低科技地图可能会帮助你找到路.
  • 打火机和/或火柴 - Having the ability to start a fire could be a life saver.
  • 基本工具箱 一套工具包括:可更换钻头的螺丝刀、电工胶带、钳子和扳手.
  • Small jump pack in case of a dead battery - Most ATVs today are electric start. 小电池组可以与电缆一起使用来启动机器,也可以为你的手机提供额外的电池寿命.

On the trail with your ATV

  • Become familiar with your riding trail -规划好私人或指定的骑行路线,可以让你的骑行体验更愉快. 该网站 provides some riding trail resources, such as maps and mobile apps.
  • 以适当速度骑行 -全地形车可能不稳定,难以操纵时,驾驶太快的条件. 为了避免翻转,保持适当的地形速度,特别是在不平坦的地面上. Also be cautious when approaching hills, turns and obstacles.
  • 没有把戏或特技 - The moves might look fun and easy on TV, but they are extremely dangerous and best left to the experts. Most injuries occur when ATVs are operated improperly.
  • 避免毒品和酒精 -它们会严重影响判断力和反应时间,并可能导致严重事故或伤害.
  • 远离人行道 - ATVs are not intended to be driven on paved roads. They can be unstable and difficult to control at higher speeds, 而且有翻车和与路上其他车辆相撞的危险. 宽胎和低压胎的设计只适用于崎岖的地形.

亚视安全提示 for kids

  • Determine your child's readiness -驾驶全地形车需要骑手认识到各种潜在的危险并作出反应. Factors to consider include the physical, 社会, emotional and motor development of your child, as well as the ability to make sound decisions. The ATV安全 Institute has a 准备检查表 to help you make an informed decision about your child's readiness.
  • Educate yourself and your child -了解有关如何安全操作全地形车的适当培训. 有关的资源 may help you get started.
  • Avoid letting children drive adult ATVs - Over 90% of fatal ATV incidents and injuries of children under 16 happened while riding an adult ATV. Follow the manufacturer's minimum age recommendation.
  • Closely supervise your child -全地形车上的儿童应一直受到监督,以确保他们安全 安全操作.

无论你的年龄, riding level or years of experience operating an ATV, be prepared and make safety a priority.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

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