Determine your homeowners

穿着法兰绒衬衫的女人站在桌子前. She has her laptop open and is taking notes.

From market value to replacement cost, 在为你的家确定合适的pp王者电子官网金额时,你有很多事情要考虑.


Unless you’re Nostradamus, 我们不可能预测未来更换房屋的确切成本是多少. 重要的是要有足够的覆盖范围来应对不可预见的情况. 因此,目标是购买至少等于估计重置成本的pp王者电子官网金额.

Get a homeowners insurance quote

Market value vs.
replacement cost

Market value vs. replacement cost

What is market value?

The amount a buyer would pay for a home, including the land, 不管重建房子要花多少钱.

What is replacement cost?

重置成本是修理或更换整个房屋所需的成本. It is not any of the following:

  • Market value of the home
  • The home's or land’s initial purchase price
  • Outstanding amount of any mortgage loan
Learn more about replacement cost

Getting a home value estimate

Getting a home value estimate


  • Ask if a replacement cost estimate1 当你对房屋价值进行评估时是可用的吗.
  • 咨询您当地的建筑协会或有信誉的建筑商的估计.
  • Check with your State Farm® agent to help you with this process.

What factors could affect your estimate?

  • 升级浴室或厨房(包括橱柜)
  • Finished or partially finished basement
  • Additional rooms or living space
  • Custom molding or arched windows
  • Age of the home
  • Other unique features


A house needs dusting. Your homeowners policy might need the same. Improvements, inflation, even the building costs in your neighborhood, 可能会对你估计的重置成本产生一些影响 year-to-year.


When you upgrade or improve your home – like replacing your roof ——你可能会增加房屋的估计重置成本. 您的州立农场代理可以帮助调整您的政策,以满足您的家庭pp王者电子官网覆盖需求. As part of your policy's provisions, 您有90天的时间通知我们任何对您的房子进行的改建或增建,使其价值增加5美元,000 or more.


州立农场提供的pp王者电子官网每年自动调整,以补偿你所在地区建筑成本的增加. However, 某些情况,如恶劣天气,可能会增加对劳动力和材料的需求,并使成本超过正常的通货膨胀. 为了跟上经济的变化,每年更新你的pp王者电子官网金额是很重要的.


如果你遭受损失,你所在地区的市场状况可能会影响重建房屋的费用. 重置成本估计受劳动力供给的影响, 劳动力需求和建筑材料成本. 跟上你所在地区的当前市场状况,并相应地改变你的家庭pp王者电子官网范围, 将帮助您保持至少等于100%的估计重置成本pp王者电子官网为您的家.



Check your policy for specifics, 但大多数房主的保单不包括以下类型的损失. You might want some additional coverages.

Natural disasters & other causes

  • Damage from flood or underground water
  • Earthquakes or mudslides
  • Settling, deterioration or contamination
  • Nuclear hazard
  • Animals, birds, or insects


Business pursuits or professional services. Learn more about business owners policies


航空器的所有权、操作或维护; motor vehicles and some watercraft

Get help from a local
State Farm agent

Want to know more about homeowners insurance?

Moving? Don’t forget to make insurance changes, too


How to be prepared for home insurance reviews


First time home buyer tips

Being a first time home buyer can be daunting.

The ins and outs of moving insurance


Read more Simple Insights on home insurance

Protections to consider with your new home.

Protecting your pets

It wouldn’t be home without them. Are they covered, too?

Creating a home inventory


What are umbrella policies?


1 建筑承包商或专业的重置成本评估师是获得房屋估计重置成本的好来源. 这些资源的估算应该反映出你家的特点,就像上面提到的那样. 如果您无法从这些来源获得详细的估计, 你的州立农场代理可以讨论估算房屋重置成本的其他选择.


All coverages are subject to the terms, provisions, exclusions, 以及保单本身和任何背书的条件.

State Farm®(包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其附属公司和关联公司)不承担任何责任, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 从本页超链接的任何第三方网站的内容. State Farm has no discretion to alter, update, or control the content on the hyperlinked, third-party site. 访问第三方网站的风险由用户自行承担, 提供的信息仅供参考,而不是征求购买或出售可能在此类第三方网站上引用的任何产品.

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Bloomington, IL

State Farm General Insurance Company
Bloomington, IL

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Winter Haven, FL

State Farm Lloyds
Richardson, TX

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